domenica 17 luglio 2022

L'assedio di Costantinopoli


L'assedio di Costantinopoli: Costantinopoli, la città d'oro, è assediata dal sultano turco Murad II che vuole conquistare la città per impossessarsi dell'emporio commerciale a cui affluiscono tutte le merci del mondo. Gli Ottomani hanno già preso tutti i territori dell'Impero romano d'Oriente e mancano soltanto alcune città come Costantinopoli, Tessalonica e Mistrà nella Morea. L'autore racconta in forma di dialogo l'agonia di Bisanzio dove molti diventano poveri e devono servire nelle dimore degli aristocratici che beneficiano delle concessioni imperiali e gestiscono gli immobili dati in affitto ai mercanti stranieri. Gli artigiani chiudono le loro botteghe perché in città non affluiscono più le materie prime necessarie per le manifatture. Le repubbliche marinare di Venezia e Genova controllano tutto il traffico commerciale e gestiscono i banchi che elargiscono monete auree e d'argento servendosi anche di carte di cambio per la cessione delle finanze necessarie per le compravendite dei beni.

Constantinople, the golden city, is besieged by the Turkish sultan Murad II who wants to conquer the city to take possession of the commercial emporium to which all the goods of the world flow. The Ottomans have already taken all the territories of the Roman Empire of the East and only a few cities are missing such as Constantinople, Thessaloniki and Mistrà in the Morea. The author recounts in the form of dialogue the agony of Byzantium where many become poor and must serve in the mansions of aristocrats who benefit from imperial concessions and manage the properties rented to foreign merchants. The artisans close their shops because the necessary raw materials for manufacturers no longer flow into the city. The maritime republics of Venice and Genoa control all commercial traffic and operate the banks that emit gold and silver coins, also using exchange cards for the divestment of the finances necessary for the sale of goods.

giovedì 14 luglio 2022

Il fermento politico della cittadinanza veneziana

"The political turmoil of the Venetian citizenship" is testimony to the work done by the citizens elected political representatives and administrators of the city and the metropolitan city of Venice in institutions of committees and councils from 2015 to 2016 and metropolitan. The adherence to the expectations of the Venetian citizenship is an expression of responsibility and love for a civil society aware of its historical traditions and determined to achieve a "good life" for any man or woman who lives and works in the historical city and the Mainland. Venice is considered "the most beautiful city in the world" and its directors are committed to keep it alive and desired by people who want to enjoy the harmony of beauty and ingenuity of the human mind in a unique natural environment in the world.